Sunday, July 7, 2013

Happy Independence Day

Missed writing last week, because yet again, the kids and I were sick.  This time the kids had the usual runny nose and cough and I had a horrible ear infection in both ears and still almost 2 weeks later have so much congestion in my head that I can’t hear out of one ear.  Makes for really interesting conversations when you can’t hear half of it.  It then migrated into pink eye the following week.  We’re still trying to get over it, but we’re back at having a really fun time.  We’re making some changes in our life though in hopes of avoiding the next round of viruses circulating at daycare, work and the neighborhood.  We bought an air purifier, that we run 24/7, a diffuser to diffuse essential oils, bottles of hand sanitizer and some containers of Clorox wipes.  Each night we now take a wipe and go through the house wiping off all door knobs, handles, etc. And we’re now on a stick daily vitamin routine.  Something’s got to give eventually and we’ll stop getting everything that goes around. 
Noah's favorite place to sleep is now in front of the air purifier/fan
Last week on a day where I was home sick, I laid down for a nap while Tayton was napping and dear sweet Jon took Noah out to Nicklecade for a Father/Son date.  They had so much fun!  Noah couldn't stop talking about it when he came home.  He said his favorite game was the one where the elephant pooped on his head.  Not sure about that one.  :)  

Last week, Jon was also home on Friday, so we went for a swim.  It was so nice to cool off and enjoy some time in the sun.  We were supposed to meet a friend for lunch that day as well, but sadly enough, they were sick as well, so we've had to reschedule.  Hey, at least it’s not just my family. . .lots of things are going around this summer. 

On the 4th of July, we spent the time swimming and enjoying family time.  My mom was in town for some Dr. appointments and for a baptism, so it was really nice to have her here for the holiday.  We swam, ate, swam, ate, then enjoyed some play time with Jason and Natalie’s new puppy, Ozzy. He is so dang cute and the kids can’t get enough of him.  I couldn't either.  I just wanted to spend the evening snuggling with him and wanted to take him home.  He even still smells like puppy. . that smell. 

Tayton finally has found her center of gravity while wearing water wings, so she now floats around the pool like a champ.  She’s still learning how to get from one place to the other, but doing well.  In fact, Jon randomly asked if she wanted to jump off the diving board and she said yes, so away she went and Noah followed.  It was so fun to watch them jump off the diving board time and time again. 

We enjoyed the fireworks in Cottonwood.  They made some announcement how that particular show is rated the top 10 something.  I missed the rest. . . not sure if that’s the top 10 in Utah or what, but they really do put on a spectacular show.  It must be a hidden little secret because it’s a small park and there aren’t many people that show up, compared to other local shows, easy to get in and out of, they last forever and there are a handful of times when you think you’re seeing the finale, but yet they keep on going.  Not sure what was going on with Tayton this year, but she HATES fireworks!  We can’t even through the  “Pops” on the ground because she screams.  She hid on my lap underneath her blanket and wouldn’t let one single corner peak up or she’d scream at the top of her lungs and grab to pull the blanket in.  I sure hope that next year she enjoys it much better since I love fireworks! 

The kids and I spent the night with the Lund’s that night so that we could get some things done on our new camper/trailer on Friday.  The Lund’s and Crane’s went together on a trailer!  YEAH! It’s a really nice one that can sleep 8, so we’re looking forward to many camping trips with just our little family and with lots of other friends and family too.  It needs a few things done before it’s ready to go, but we’re getting those taken care of and are looking forward to years of fun family time!  Kelly even made us breakfast.  Doesn't get any better than this.   Then he taught me to hitch up the trailer and how to back up. . . that is going to take some practice!  

On Saturday, my niece Ryann got baptized.  What a fabulous day!  Her sister, Laine sang a song for the program. . . it brought tears to my eyes!  Then when her dad baptized her, the spirit was so strong.  I love that family so much and was so proud of Ryann.  The kids were so excited to see their first baptism and it was so neat that it was someone they cared so much about and love.  They’re still talking about it today, especially Tayton.  She mentioned Ryann’s baptism to me 3 times again today.    Afterwards, we enjoyed lots of family and swimming time again.  Noah even practiced his swimming lesson techniques with me and would go to the bottom to get things and loved swimming back and forth from me to the step without his wings.  He hasn't learned how to come up for air yet, but he sure doe blow bubbles and kick like a wild man!  I really believe we've found his niche and that is to swim!  Hopefully he keeps loving it and will turn it into something positive!

Jon got bumped off the job in the yard with a schedule and is now working full time on the road running between Ogden and Green River.  He loves this run!  I’m not a fan of the road like he is because of the non-existent schedule.   He’s on call 24/7/365 days a year.  It really hasn't been too bad though because we've found this great daycare that has given us some-full time slots, deals with our horrible schedule and the kids love it!  They have so much fun there.  They wake up in the night asking me if it’s time to go yet.  So glad they love it and we’re so happy to have them there.  Here’s some pics of their first day there. No wonder they love it.  I want to go to daycare there!  J  
Picture of the Green River as Jon took a walk while staying for work

On Saturday night, after Jon got home, we gathered the neighbors for the 2nd annual neighborhood firework show.  We are so blessed to have such good neighbors.  I really enjoy spending time with each and every one of them!  

Jon got to take Noah to swimming lessons last week.  It was fun for Jon to see how happy Noah is in the water and how much he enjoys the lessons and his instructor. 

Enjoying a picnic dinner while Dad's away working on the railroad
Park of the new landscaping.  Can't wait until it's finished and I can show the before and after photos
Finally got the sign that we've been wanting so folks don't go speeding out of the
cultisac when they realize it's not a thru street


Teri Lund said...

love this! Will you send me a copy of the kids in front of the font?


Pam said...

Another great up date.

jon said...

Fantastic! Great post Tomi!