Sunday, March 3, 2013

The Plague

I think we're all infected with the plague at our house.  I started out with a sore throat on 13 Feb and it went down hill from there.  The kids then got it and even Jon.  I had to take a whole week off of work to take care of the sick little ones and myself.  Then, just as we thought we  were getting over it, the kids have come down with something else.  This time it is snotty noses and lots of coughing.  Poor little Noah has been having nebulizer treatments for the past two week. 

Jon got bumped back to just weekends again. . . good, bad or indifferent, we're not sure.  It's always nice to have Jon working full-time for the financial purposes, but it's also nice to have him home so we have to do less day care.  Jon was working a great job that had a schedule Monday-Friday, so we had the weekends off together.  The bad part is now he works every weekend, so we don't get to do to much as a family and we try to capitalize on just our evenings together as a family.  

This week, my bad parenting skills came shinning through.  We were all in the kitchen making french toast for breakfast on Sunday when I dropped something.  I said, "Holy Moly" and Noah in turn repeated "Holy Shit!"  Oh my, what have I created?  On the other hand, on Friday night, I had just put the kids to bed when Noah called me back in his room and said, "I need another hug and a kiss.  Because that's what's important to Jesus."  Now how do you argue with that?  So on one hand, I'm teaching my kids on the naughty things to say, but on the other hand, they know what's important.  The other funny we had this week while we were home one day sick. . . Noah wanted Tayton to go downstairs with him to play, but she was content to sick at the counter and finish her lunch.  He kept asking, then yelling at her to come down.  Next thing I know, he's standing right next to her at the table and says, "Tayton, come downstairs with me please. . . . no, you need to look at me.  Now come downstairs."  Well.  Tayton is a little chatty Cathy too.  She gabs and gabs all day long and truly speaks almost in sentences now. .. .little ones, but sentences.  She came to me the other day and said, "I was asleep, now I'm awake."  She's constantly asking us, "What happened?" these days.

Noah sneaks away with our camera sometimes.  These are the great types of shots he takes.  Not bad!

 The model train show was this weekend.  Despite being sick, it was still something the kids wanted to do so bad, so we just had to go.  Jon got home early in the morning and needed to sleep, so we decided to go when he woke up.  I then had to hear Noah complaining all day that he didn't want to wait until dad woke up.  He wanted to wake Dad up and go now.  There were a ton of people there, so we didn't stay long, but we still had a fabulous time.  Noah loved the train you can ride on.  Tayton loved the train that took us around a few blocks in town.  Jon and I's favorite was the humongous Lego are they had set up.  Lots of scenes from The Wizard of Oz and the Lord of the Rings.  I couldn't believe the detail.  Too bad none of my pictures turned out very well.   

Noah and Tayton got to run the controls to start and stop and train and blow the whistle

Riding the Big Train around town
We also went back to feed the ducks.  After the traumatizing experience last time, we made sure we only went to the bridge to feed them.  However, multiple ducks found their way onto the bridge so had to hand catch no less than 8 ducks and throw them over because the kids would run around screaming and jumped up onto the bench because they were afraid that a handful of ducks would attack them.  I think I scarred them for life.  Despite that little hick-up, we had a great time.  The kids have so much fun.  Tayton hasn't figured out how to tear up the bread, so she throws whole pieces over and the duck then get to fight over it.  


1 comment:

jon said...

I didn't know any of this. Great blog post!