Monday, August 19, 2013

Kids & Water

There is something about kids and water. . . .where there is water, you'll find kids.  Whether it be swimming, wading, splashing or just throwing rocks, they absolutely love it!!!  But who can blame them. . .  it's a great way to keep cool on a hot summer day.

Enjoyed my final Fun Furlough Friday this past weekend with an end of summer trip to Wyoming.  It was my dad's 74th birthday, so we went for a little birthday visit and to tow the camp trailer home after Teri enjoyed it for a few weeks in Star Valley. The kids enjoyed helping Papa pick pine cones up, go with him for four-wheeler rides and helping change the water in the yard.  We enjoyed some time with Grandma on a special outing for lunch, playing in the river and playing with our cousins.

While at the river, Noah found a rock that had green stuff on it, so he comes to show it to me and then freaks out, thows the rock back in the river as quickly as possible while having the "Yuck" face and says "Gross, it's fish poop!!"  Wow, he's such a city kid. .. but we still love him!

Teri took Noah with the cousins and a friend to float the Salt River.  They tied 2 rafts together and floated about a mile down river where we left their car.  I was there when they arrived and Noah so excitedly told me it was so much fun, that they about tipped over.  They didn't, but he likes to tell the story that way.

When we got home, Noah was playing outside when he comes running in to tell us he saw a snake.  Jon said he just saw a shadow, but I said, let's go look and sure shooting, we found a tiny little snake next to the neighbor's downspout.  It tried to slither into a crack in their foundation but Jon held it down with the shovel, almost cutting it in half.  I made him catch it and either kill it or throw it in field 2 lots down.  I can't stand snakes and I'm really upset that we live so close to this field that we get them in the yard.  I think it's time to move!

Speaking of moving. . .we are getting ready to sell the house in Sandy.  Know anyone looking?

1 comment:

jon said...

It's good to see the stuff I missed!