Monday, May 13, 2013

Precious Moments

It's been a slow week because we've had a bout with the flu this week or something short lived.  Tayton had one day of a fever last week, but then this week, Noah had a day or running a fever of 101 and just laying on the couch all day, but the very next day he was fine.  Go figure. . . but then of course, it was my turn.  I ended up with a sore throat and horrible body aches.  I've never had body aches like that before. . . my bones hurt.  Literally, my bone were in horrible pain and all my joints hurt for 3 days.  Wow. . . I finally went to the Dr. and he said I had tonsillitis and a viral infection, but he gave me an antibiotic for it anyway.  At least it didn't last long, but it wasn't good because I had only worked 1 day at my new job before taking the very next 3 days off sick.  Grrr.  We had planned to go to Wyoming to visit Grandma and Papa this last weekend for Mother's Day, but then decided that due to our illnesses, we'd better stay home and try again another weekend.

On Friday, we were all finally feeling better so we went out to dinner and then went to Krispy Kreme's for some donuts for dessert.  The kids REALLY like that place and it was Jon's first time going too, so he was thrilled with it too.  Jon and Noah each got a fresh off the rack glazed donuts while Tayton got a frosted one. I was trying to be good on my diet and didn't order one. .. but then shared a little of everyone elses.  Did you know that when the red light is on, you get a free fresh donut for everyone in your party if you make just one purchase.  Interestingly enough, the kids could care less about eating their treat, they only care to watch the process through the windows and watch for all the rejects to come along so they can point every one of them out.


I've been practicing with Tayton's hair. . . but it's not going so well.  She normally gets a ponytail or pigtail because dad's home to do her hair in the morning and I'm not, so I really enjoy doing it on the days I am home.  It's nice to do something  a little different, but I'm really not doing well at french braiding.  I still need some practice. I definitely do better on one side rather than the other, but that's what the huge flowers are for.  Not only are they cute, they hide all the imperfections.
On Saturday, our neighbor had a 5 year old birthday party.  We all had a lot of fun, but especially the kids.  It was nice to watch Noah come out of his shell a little and ask the other kids to play with him, swing and do other fun stuff.  
 After the party, we invited some friends and neighbors to come over for our first Crane Cinema Movie in the backyard.  I never like to plan up the party, but I really like getting everything set up, thinking up the food and having everyone here.  Not very many people were able to come, but we still had a handful and it was still fun.  We weren't into watching another animated show, so we chose Annie instead.  A fun, family friendly musical that we're all familiar with.  We love doing these type of activities and will continue to invite friends, family and neighbors to join us.  Let us know if you'd like to come to the next one.

The rest of the time, we've just been hanging out a lot at home and enjoying the nice early summer days.  We're getting very excited for swimming days and lots of birthday parties in May.  Summer is officially here!

It's interesting that I still have those moments where I look at my life and can't believe it's mine. . . in the best way possible.  On Mother's Day, Jon had to go to work at 3 p.m., so after a nap, the kids and I enjoyed playing in the back yard.  Noah finally mastered his bike where he's now riding 100% without training wheels and he loves to go practice every single day. Then we had a bath and were reading our stories outside.  The kids started chasing each other as the sun was setting and it was just such a peaceful moment. . . no one around, kids giggling on our deserted street. . . it was a serene moment where I looked at those little people and felt so blessed so have such beautiful, healthy kids that I'm so proud of and love with every fiber of my being.  Later, when we were all tucked in bed, Noah came back out of his room to go potty and he came up to me, gave me a huge hug and said, "Mommy, I love you!!!  Happy Mother's Day!"  Best gift ever!!


Pam said...

Great blog post. Darling pictures.

Pam said...

Great blog post. Darling pictures.

jon said...

Loved it! Thanks Tomi!