Wednesday, September 17, 2008

He's Home

It's finally official. . . we signed the paperwork and were able to bring our new son home on Sunday, September 14, 2008. He is so precious and feels like he's always been a member of our family. We've named him Noah. It's amazing how such a little guy can so drastically change your life. We know that life will never be the same, but we're extremely happy to have him here and to welcome him into our home.

This last week has been such an amazing experience. . . from getting the call to go to the hospital, to running the birth mom to and from the hospital in labor, to witnessing the delivery of our son and to the touching moment when the birth mom placed her most precious angel in our arms and said congratulations. . .this week is a time we'll never forget. Our Heavenly Father guided us to this point, through the months of paperwork, meetings and Dr. appointment and finally through this week, and for that we can't express our gratitude. This process has been a miracle that we're so blessed to play a part in.

We are such proud parents and want to thank everyone for all their love, support and acceptance. This is such an exciting time for us and we're so happy that you can all share it with us.


Carlee Hoopes said...

CONGRATULATIONS!!!!!!!!!!!!! I am SOOOOOOO excited for you guys!!! He is so dang cute and I just know he was meant to be part of your family! Things just worked out too well to think otherwise! Being parents is such an incredible experience and I am so happy for you that you finally get to have such an adorable little baby to love and to take care of forever. Good luck with everything these next few weeks. They can be sleepless and trying, but some of the best of your life as well. Let me know if I can do ANYTHING for you guys! I know there were times I just needed someone to talk to because I had so many emotions as a new mom, so feel free to hop online and find me if you wanna chat about anything, ok? He's SOOO cute and I am just so dang happy for you guys! Congrats again!!!!

Pam said...

That is the most beautiful baby. I am soooo happy for you both.

Michelle said...