Kids do the funniest things.

Here is the before picture. Two weeks ago, my sister was babysitting our kids while we were signing the contract on the new house. When we get back to pick them up, Kelly informs me that Noah got a haircut. Teri immediately pipped up and said the Sydney got in big trouble for it. They told of how Kelly went to check on the kids outside and saw that their youngest, Charlie, had little bits of hair on her shoulder. He then went looking for the 3 year old, Sydney, and found her hiding scissors behind her back. Noah was just standing there with the blank look on his face and a huge patch of hair right off the top in front. I couldn't stop laughing. Noah looked so funny. Thank goodness it was Noah she practiced her stylist technique on and not Tayton. At least it's fixable with Noah. Teri then informed Sydney that she needed to go get her purse to pay for Noah to get a new haircut. Sydney got her purse and with the saddest look in her eyes, gave me

a nickle. Once again, I laughed hard and told her I didn't think a nickle would cover the cost of the haircut. I told her she didn't have to pay because we'd just get the clippers out at home, but I made her promise she wouldn't attempt to cut hair again. This is a picture after I gave him a short short buzz.

While we were packing up one area of the house I got a little annoyed with Jon over something so he and I were having a discussion. Pretty soon I hear Noah walking around the house saying, "Daddy's naughty. Daddy's naughty." I tried really hard not to laugh.
If I have to tell Noah something he doesn't want to do, he then folds his arms, given me the evil eye and then shakes his finger at me. It's so darn cute, I have to turn my head so he can't see me laugh, then I have to tell him ot to get snippy with Mommy.
He's getting to point where we laugh multiple times a day at things Noah says or does. I need to write them down so I remember them and can post them for Noah to see in the future. . . or so we can show his girlfriends at some point. :)
Here's some cute pictures we recently took.

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