Monday, June 17, 2013

Summer Sun

We're in the full swing this summer and enjoying every moment of it!  

On Monday, June 10th, Noah graduated from preschool. . . . again.  He attended this same preschool last year and due to his September birthday, he'll have the opportunity to attend for yet another year prior to going to kindergarten.  Little Spouts Preschool with Ms. Janae is Noah's favorite thing to do.  He loves to come home and tell us what he did every day.  As I took Noah to line up for graduation, another mom caught me and told me how much her daughter, Cami, loves Noah.  She said Cami told her that she was really sad she wasn't going to get to see Noah anymore and that Noah would be sad that he couldn't see her anymore.  She told her mom that they were boyfriend/girlfriend and were going to get married.  I just smiled and laughed.  I'm not sure Noah even knows what that means.  He's just really glad that Cami is his  friend and asks him to sit by her at preschool.  Ms. Janae says Noah seems a little lost on those days when Cami isn't there and he doesn't know who to sit by and play with.  During graduation, Noah stood by his class but didn't want to have anything to do with all the songs they sang.  He just quietly stood there looking a little overwhelmed as he
looked out over the audience.  Not how Noah liked to wear his graduation cap clean down on his eyes like a super hero.  One kid jumped down at one point and took his graduation cap off and gave it back to Ms. Janae in the middle of singing which caused a ripple effect of 90% of the other children giving her back their caps as well.  It was really funny.  There was a moment when each child got to stand up and they read some special things about each child, the favorite things, etc.  Noah's were that he liked playing hide and seek with dad, that he liked taking naps with mom, his favorite color was orange and he wanted to be a firefighter when he grew up.  Ms.  Janae made a cute video with pictures of the kids and caught me later to say how sorry she was that he looked so upset in his pictures.  She said Noah really doesn't like her to take his picture. . . glad we're not the only ones.  He's such a cute kid, but at some point, he has taken a disliking to the camera.  It was a fun little ceremony and so much fun to watch Noah grow each year with this class.  

On Wednesday, we had a play date at the Riverdale splash pad.  We got to meet our neighbors there and another friend to have a pizza dinner in the park, followed by fun times in the splash pad and the park.  We were lucky that Jon took a day to be with us as well, so it was a whole family affair.  Tayton got a little scared of the splash pad and wanted her dad to hold her almost the entire time.  Noah's favorite thing to do was to put his feet on the fountains and prevent the water from squirting up.  Then we played at the park.  Jon played Frisbee with the boys while I kept Tayton entertained doing her favorite thing, swinging!  She also really enjoyed going down this particularly steep slide that would shoot her off the bottom if I hadn't been there to catch her every time.  I've decided that since I'm a working mom and miss out on the
day-time play dates, I'm going to schedule my own play dates once a week in the evenings.  

Noah is still really enjoying swimming lessons.  I've never seen that kid smile so much in my entire life as he does while he's swimming.  He also asks every single day if he gets to go to swimming lessons that day.  He particularly loves is instructor, Cisco.  We're trying to arrange private lessons with Cisco, but we're not having luck finding a pool that will allow outside private lessons.  Conflict of interest. Might just have to find another pool and sign him up for lessons there since we want to keep him going and we can't seem to get into the next 2 sessions (until August) in Roy.  

On Friday, Jon went to visit his dad for an early Father's Day since he had to work on Sunday.  Had a good visit with his dad, then went for a visit to his mom's.  The kids really enjoyed spending time with Grandma and Grandpa. 

On Saturday, we went to the Roy Aquatic Center and had a great time swimming for the day.  We didn't get any pictures there, but it sure was fun.  Noah really enjoyed going down the huge twisty slide with Dad.  I took Tayton down 1 time, but that was enough for me.  Jon said it went really slow, but I didn't think so and spent the entire ride groaning and I'd drag my hand along the side, trying to slow us down.  Even Tayton said she didn't like it.  Tayton's favorite thing was to jump off the side into the pool with us.  We only lasted a few hours there because the kids really got cold.  It wasn't one of those 100 degree days, so it felt pretty chilly and Tayton especially, gets very cold, very quick, so we got out a lot to wrap up in our towels, sit in the sun, have a snack and watch the seagulls steal food from the garbage cans and from the surrounding tables.  Went to dinner at Olive Garden after.  Fun Day!!

On Sunday, we celebrated Father's Day with our neighbors at Pineview Reservoir.  It was the first time we had been there, so the neighbors showed us where to go that was free, had lots of trees and had a fabulous sandy beach.  We played in the water, dug in the sand, played with friends and truly enjoyed the day.  We definitely decided we want to spend lots more time there!  We're going to invest in some life jackets for the kids and some full rafts and stuff, then we'll spend a lot more time there.  I was in total awe that we have a lake here that has such fabulously sandy beaches.  And the best part is that it's on about 30 minutes from our house.  We're learning new places to go around us all the time and loving it!  

Hanging out in the shade

Beautiful waterfall on the way back down the canyon

We've been working on potty training Tayton this past week. . . . it's been a challenge.  She's very excited about wearing her princess panties, but isn't concerned at all when she has an accident.  She just calmly announces that she peed or in her case, she says she pooped, not matter what she did, and waits for us to change her.  She doesn't seem to find the wet, yucky feeling.  Grrr.  We're staying vigilant though. Some days are better than other days.  

Jon has witnessed the kids new favorite activity. . . they like having "quiet time" together where they both go to Noah's bed to play together on their iPads.  More than anything, they just like being together.  Jon and I are having a hard time figuring out what these new favorite routines are. . . Jon's at home during the day and knows the day time routine, so then when I'm home for the day I don't know the proper way to do something like dad does.  Noah said he wanted quiet time with Tayton the other day and I said, "No way" knowing it was bedtime and knowing they wouldn't sleep in the same room together.  I thought it was just a little left over from staying in the same room with the cousins a few weeks ago, but little did I know, this has become the new routine during the day.  Same with Jon.  Jon was home helping put the kids to
bed and Noah got all upset because Jon wasn't doing something the "right" way like I do.  Obviously, while we're working opposite shifts, we need to ensure we communicate about all the little things so that we get the routine just "right"

Grandma Clark came into town on a surprise visit.  We didn't get to spend much time with her since it was such a quick trip, but we got to meet her for pie on her way out of town.  She needs to come for more visits!

After pie with Grandma, Jon took the kids to the Ogden Nature Center where they got to see lots of birds.  The turkey was huge and scared the kids.  We need to go back and spend more time there when the kids are a little more into walking.  

1 comment:

jon said...

It was a good week!