Wednesday, February 29, 2012

Kids Say the Darndest Thing

Blogging takes time and dedication that we obviously haven't spent time on lately.

Now that Noah is talking much more and much clearer, I laugh really hard at least once a day at something he said. Here's just a few:

- While sitting with Noah and Sonny (the dog) on my lap, Noah proclaims, "Sonny needs a timeout!" When I asked why, Noah told me it was because Sonny was licking his arm.

- Noah is sitting on the toilet thinking about his business when he states, "Chuck e Cheese is coming out." Wow, not sure about that one. We had just gone to Chuck e Cheese a few days prior for a party.

- Last week, when I asked Noah what he wanted to be when he grows up, he said, "Wear a hat!" as he points to the hard hat. "Oh," I said, "are you going to drive a truck? He put his hands on his hips and said, "No, drive a digger!" This week he says he wants to be a doctor. Probably because he's seen 2 doctors in 2 weeks. (Noah gets to have tube put in his ears in a few weeks. We're not excited about surgery, but I am glad he'll experience fewer ear infections.)

- On a regular basis, Noah walks around asking everyone if they're happy. " Daddy happy? Momma happy? Baby happy? Sonny happy?" When we ask if he's happy, he says, "Hmmmm, YEAH!" My favorite is when he declared to Jon that he had a good day! That always makes me smile.

Jon and I have been working hard to get the two unruly critters to behave a little better and to get on a better routine and schedule. Noah use to go to bed every night with a sippy cup full of milk, but then he always needed to woke up in the night for more milk or to go potty. We cut that off cold turkey, and to my great surprise, Noah has done fantastic. He asks for milk at night, but when we tell him he can't have any now, but in the morning, he says, "Ok!" and off to sleep he goes. He also doesn't get up in the night anymore. YEAH!! We've also found what motivates Noah to be good right now. Money. If he's helped out and done chores and been good, he gets a nickle, dime or quarter in his allowance jar. We tell him if he doesn't stop doing something bad, that we'll take money from his jar and he immediately shapes up. Truly in the last week, Noah's turned into a whole new boy! I'm so proud of him and love spending time with him doing arts and crafts!

Tayton got her first time out tonight. She was sitting in her high chair and kept throwing food off to feed the dog. As a consequence, she lost all the items off her tray and had to have her high chair pushed up to a corner so she couldn't see what was going on. Not the best place. We need to time her out in her bed until she can sit on a chair somewhere, but it worked this time.

Tayton had her 1st birthday. We had a lot of fun and enjoyed a little dinner, cake and fire with the family. The favorite part about one year old birthdays is the smash cake. Tayton really enjoyed digging into hers despite the fact that she didn't have any teeth at the time. She did finally cut her very first tooth on Monday! YEAH! Won't be long before she gets to experience real food and not just mushy stuff.

On Friday, we drove out to Antelope Island. We got to see Buffalo, Coyotes and Antelope. It was fun, but would be more fun when the weather warms up and we can spend some time walking around.

All in all, life is good. We're having fun, staying out of trouble and enjoying every moment with the little people in our lives!

1 comment:

jon said...

Great blog entry. Love it!