Friday, October 21, 2011

House Hunting

As many of you know, we've decided to move from the Sandy area and relocate to Weber or Davis county. The rationale behind this move is so I can be closer to work, lessening my commute and gaining more time with my family. Currently I travel 42 miles one way to work, which takes between 40-60 minutes each way depending on traffic. Based on my current schedule, that means I leave the house at 5:50 a.m. and get home around 4:30 p.m. My hope is that when we move closer to work, I'll be able to spend more time with my family. And if the truth be known, I'm ready for a change and want to live in a newer, larger home. Call me greedy, but our "stuff" has outgrown our current home. I'll blame it on two kids, all their toys and the fact that I don't dare part with any of their old clothes since I'm afraid the minute I do, we'll somehow be blessed with another baby. I can hope, right?

Each time I've purchased a home, I've gotten more and more particular in the things that I'm looking for. My first home was a townhouse in Millcreek, UT. Buying my first home was so scary, but so exciting at the same time. It was a 3 bedroom 2 story home that was only about 5 years old when I moved in. I was so scared that I wouldn't be able to make the mortgage payments, so I rented 2 of the rooms to roommates. Over the 5 years I lived there, I only had about 7 roommates, and oh what an adventure. I learned a lot about people and I learned a lot about myself. . . some good and some not so good. I loved everyone of those roommates and miss those relationships today since I've lost track or have little contact with most of them now.

When I married Jon, he moved into my house with me, but we wanted to find a place of our own that we both chose together. We found a home in Sandy, before it was even on the market. Weird situation, but I'm a firm believer it was meant to be. So we bought our home and have lived here for the past 5 years. It appears I have an itch to move every 5 years. :) We've loved this home, but now it's time to move on.

Finding the right house is so hard. There are so many to choose from in today's housing market, but some are better than others. I'm getting very particular in my old age and want very specific things in my new home. Now that hard part is finding all the particulars in one house. I keep finding some of my particulars in each house. The biggest thing we're careful about is finding a home that is CAN NOT be a fixer-upper. If you've seen the projects that Jon and I have done together on our home, you'd laugh. We're not exactly the handy type, oh and forget plumbing and electrical. . . we don't touch that. . . or shall I say, I won't let Jon work on those projects. We've had too many incidents with plumbing particularly that now I make sure we have a plumber's number handy at all times.

We've found houses that we like and that would meet our needs, but nothing has jumped out and "spoken" to me yet. :) Am I just crazy? I need to find a home that when I walk in, it feels like home! I know we can make any house feel like a home, but I also feel like I'm suppose to be somewhere, but I haven't found where that is yet.


Carlee Hoopes said...

We are in the exact same boat. Time to move on, but we just need something to jump out at us and we haven't found that yet. We're considering building at this point, but where? So many decisions. I'm too picky. Let's do lunch for reals this time. :)

Dara Rodemack said...

Hey, if you are looking for a house in the Syracuse area, I know of 2 houses that are not on the market, but are both considering a move. One is my brother, and he wants to move to Morgan. the other is my parents, and they want to down size. (My parents have a theater room.) Both houses are on the same street. If you want to take a look, just let me know.

By the way, how the heck are you?

Dara Rodemack said...

Oh, and fire and ice jewelry is Dara Dorrity Rodemack. Sorry, I forgot to mention that earlier.