Monday, August 18, 2008

Uintah Camping

We were able to go with a few friends camping overnight in the Uintah's this last weekend. We had a great time. It's so amazing to be able to get out of the city and feel the country air once in a while. It's so beautiful in the mountains. . . the peace and serenity give you a feeling of calm and comfort. The area reminds me a lot of home (Star Valley). It was good to get away for a while and put things in perspective. Plus. . . I think Jon and I both needed a break for a while. :)

Interestingly, I got to play cook the first evening. . . we had tin-foil dinners in the fire. Steak and chicken with onions, garlic, potatoes and carrots. Then our friend talked us into doing what I'd call "orange cakes" also. We sliced off the top of the oranges, dug the insides out the best we could, then poured cake batter into the hollowed orange. Just like the tin-foil dinners, we wrapped them in tin-foiled and let them bake the the coals. You can see them behind me in the picture. Dinner was great and the "organge cakes" were pretty good too. Very interesting to say the least.

It was a quick trip, but we sat around the fire, talked a lot, played games, fished at and walked around Mirror Lake, and stopped at the Oakley Rhode Island Diner here to eat on our way out of town. We had a great time.


Unknown said...

those pictures really make me want to go camping, hopefully we'll have time to go at least once this season

SaraColorado said...

I didn't know how to get a hold of you as you didn't leave an email address when you asked your question about the rice pudding, so I thought I'd just leave a comment there and here.
I would go through your bowls (metal or glass/pyrex) and pots and see what bowls will sit in/on which of your them together to make a make-shift double broiler. That's what I do...I made the rice in my round Pyrex casserole bowl and placed it on a pot of simmering/boiling water. Give it a try and good luck!