Tuesday, May 27, 2008


Happy Late Birthday to me. I turned 29! I can’t believe it. . . this is the last year I have in my 20’s, so I’m vowing to make it worth it! Oddly enough, I’m not dreading the big 30. In fact, since I was about 23, it’s been really hard for me to remember how old I am. People ask and I have to stumble a little, guessing back and forth between a few ages and then finally saying, “I was born in this year, so I guess that makes me ___ now.” Sad that I can’t even remember how old I am anymore. For me, I think I reached age 23 and birthdays didn’t really matter anymore. It wasn’t like I had age 16, 18 or 21 to look forward to anymore. Birthdays all just started to blend together and they just aren’t a big deal anymore.

This year, I had a great time and was truly spoiled by my family. Almost everyone got together at my favorite place for dinner, Ocean City. What’s better than sharing your favorite food with those you love. My aunt, cousins, sister and her family, Jon and I all had a great time together. After dinner and gifts, we went to my Aunt’s house to chat for a while before Jon and I went out to the movie, The Chronicles of Narnia: Prince Caspian. Great Movie!

Speaking of gifts, I was totally spoiled this year. My Aunt’s and their families got me two tickets to Celine Dion. WOW! This is a sold out show and somehow they got tickets. I am so excited and a little annoyed that I have to wait clear until November to see her! They gave me a DVD and CD of her music and tour so I can become a little more familiar with her newer songs before I go to the concert. What a treat. I’ve only been to a couple of amphitheater concerts before, but nothing like Celine. Jon gave me a new seat for my bike so we can go riding more. My old seat killed me, so he got me a larger one with gel inserts so it’s now much more comfortable of a ride. :) He also got me some beautiful place mats and napkins like I’d been asking for and also the first book in the Spiderwick Chronicles “The Field Guide” since we loved the movie so much! He did a great job finding things I really enjoyed. My mom outdid herself again by shopping with me for bathroom rugs, shower curtain, kitchen rugs, etc. She also gave me a year pass to Hogle Zoo which we love to visit on a regular basis, a hand wheat grinder to add to our food storage and some extra spending cash. I’m sorry to report that my mom wasn’t able to join us for the festivities this year. Teri gave me this great set of stripped place mats with coordinating napkins also. Everyone did such a great job in helping me to outfit my house with things more my style. :) My cousins gave me a gift certificate to Ztejas to use before the we go to the Celine concert. And Jon’s parent’s gave me a gift certificate to my favorite store. What a great birthday! I am surrounded by so many great people who love and care for me and spoil me on every occasion. Mostly, it was such an enjoyable day because I got to spend it with those I love! Thanks again to all of you for your generosity and kindness!

I’m setting new goals and keeping the big 30 in mind throughout the year as I enjoy these last moments of my 20s.


Carlee Hoopes said...

Wow, that's quite the birthday! Happy Birthday! You got spoiled for sure! :)

Dena Moon said...

Happy Happy birthday! I'm glad it was a good one! Thanks for inviting us to see your blog, its been fun catching up on you this way!

Unknown said...

happy belated birthday. no one told me or I would have said somethin earlier :)