Wednesday, March 12, 2008

About Tomi

Ok, so I must have no original ideas of my own. . . but got thinking, why not post some things about me. . . Jon will love to do this too when he gets home.

Places I've lived:
Star Valley, Wyoming
Rexburg, Idaho
Salt Lake City & Sandy, Utah

States & Places I've visited:
California, Nevada, Oregon, Arizona, Utah, Idaho, Wyoming, Montana, Colorado, New Mexico, Texas, Michigan, Louisiana, Mississippi, Alabama, Hawaii, & Puerto Vallarta with many more to come I hope (I can never beat Deedre in this area). Thanks mom, I forgot about Canada (Windsor I think).

Jobs I've Had:
Worm Picker Extrodinaire
Dishwasher, Hostess, Waitress
Sales Associate then Department Manager at ZCMI
Career Services Specialist
Financial Aid Administrator
Federal Government Employee as Material Manager and now as the Program Logistics Manager
Hope to soon be part-time teacher

Favorite Foods:
Pizza, Lasagna, Popcorn, Carrots with dill dip, Frito's, Funions, Fried Shrimp, Chocolate covered raisins, Chicken fingers dipped in ranch dressing and more than I'd ever like to admit.

Things I Dislike:
I don't like when people are mean, self absorbed, unhappy about life and their circumstances, or are dishonest. Grocery shopping & shoe shopping, cooked spinach, and I'm having a hard time with this one because I'd like to think I'm pretty easy going.

Favorite Movies:
Tuck Everlasting, Ever After, The Princess Bride, Harry Potter

Favorite Books:
Tuesdays with Morrie, The Chronicles of Narnia, Harry Potter, The Grapes of Wrath

A Few Interesting Things About Me:
I raised a few raccoons as pets when I was younger.
I LOVE animals and always wanted to be a veterinarian, but decided that C's in college Biology and Chemistry weren't going to help me get there.
I want more than anything to be able to sing and be artistic and crafty.
I talk way too fast. . .oh wait, you already knew that one.
It took me 26 years to figure it out, but I want to be a teacher. . . I'm working on doing something part-time at some local proprietary colleges.
In recent years, I find it a habit to use ". . ." way too much.
I'd love to vacation in Australia.
I want to be more domestic by being a better cook and baker.
I have a Master's Degree in Business and have yet to figure out what I want to do with it.

Now it's your turn!


Anonymous said...

Remember when we went to Canada? Great BLOG site.

Love to you both

Carlee Hoopes said...

We want more posts!!!!

TSM Oregon said...

I found you by looking for your name and the word adoption. I am looking for a Tomi who was adopted in Oregon in the 80s. Don't suppose that's you, eh?
